Sindh Agriculture university Tandojam entry test instructions and pre-addmsison test samplepaper
1. The candidate will be required to write his/her name, father's name
and seat number on the top of the answer sheet and rough work
2. All rough work must be done on the rough work sheet.
3. In order to ensure a fair chance to every candidate and to conduct
the test efficiently, the candidate must carefully follow the
instructions given in this booklet and by the instructor.
4. The test is divided into five parts. Each part is composed of many
short items. You will be given separate instructions for each part.
5. The instructor will inform the candidate when to start work on any of
the test and when to stop. It is of utmost important that the work is
performed only on that portion which the test is in progress.
6. During the test, do not talk, whisper, or turn your eyes or head away
from your own papers.
7. Any evidence of cheating or non-compliance of instructions will
disqualify the candidate from the test, and his name will be removed
from the list of the candidate for admission.
8. The candidates should carefully think about their answer before
writing it on the answer sheet. Once an answer has been written on
the answer sheet, the candidate will not be permitted to change any of his/her answers in any way. You cannot erase or overwrite your
previous answer. All such answers will be treated as wrong.
9. Un-attempted question/s (blank) must be marked with a cross on the
answer sheet.
10. There will be no negative marking in all parts of the test.
11. When the Instructor says, stop, the candidates are required to stop
writing and cover your test booklet with the large size card specially
provided for this purpose.
Note: The candidates should not mark answers on the question paper.
All answers must be written only on the answer sheet with black
ballpoint pen that has been provided to you.
Basically pre admission test will consists on five parts..
1- English
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